page16 (1/1)

Weightless Kandi Steiner 13050K 2023-09-02

“I’ the first drag from the new hookah set up on the small wooden table in front of us “I want thisI’ve ever wanted in et it?”

I shookI had a bank of intellectually deep phrases to pull from like she always did I wanted to calet in I know it, you know it — everyone knows it You got your acceptance letter to Appalachian State months before anyone else and you were Valedictorian This kick-start progra insane not to accept you And when you do get in, I’ to h the rest of the summer without you”

She s through the long hookah hose again She was s a peach and vanilla combination of sheesh that made my mouth water a little It wasn’t that I didn’t enjoy the taste of it or that I hadn’t tried it before, I just didn’t really have an addictive personality I could drink if I wanted to, but I rarely did I could smoke if I wanted to, but I almost never felt that need Overall, I didn’t need ood time — just my friends And Mason

My stos up closer to my chest Willow noticeda cloud of sht while ht Even dressed in distressed jeans and a Fall Out Boy t-shirt, she looked flawless I, on the other hand, still felt less than average — even with the make-up I’d taken almost twenty minutes to apply

“You better not be thinking about Mason,” she warned, handingthe hose touch the table until the hookah was tapped

“I just still can’t believe what happened last weekend,” I confessed, sighing a little “Mason used to be ed that much in the teeks we’ve been broken up How could he be with sohed with her”

She scoffed and rolled her eyes, taking a sh with the hyenas than chance failing a run with the lions”

I cocked a brow “What the heck does that mean?”

Willow laughed “Itfor her attention and he’ll do anything to be what she wants It takes a real ht and not be afraid to go against the crowd Mason is just a boy”

I sighed, picking at the plastic mouthpiece on the hookah hose “Yeah, but he used to be my boy”

Willow snatched the hose fro back further on the couch “You want to knohat I still can’t believe?” she asked, changing the subject “That you’re training with fucking Rhodes”

My cheeks flushed I had debated telling Willow about , but she was my best friend and would have found out anyway I did swear her to secrecy, though The last thing I wanted was Mason or Shay finding out I had signed up at the club the day after they publicly humiliated me “Scary, huh?”

“That’s putting it lightly Reh school? Dude was terrifying He was in juvie ym class”

I chuckled “I don’t remember what he was always in trouble for”

“What wasn’t he in trouble for? Hi out ere always up to so, public nudity — you na it”

“That’s the thing, though I don’t really re many friends He was always kind of a loner, wasn’t he?”

Willow exhaled a long puff of white s out as just as rough around the edges as he was”

Clearing hs “He’s different now”

“Oh yeah? Different how, Natalie Poxton?” Willow’s brows shot up

I blushed harder “I don’t know, he just is” I wasn’t exactly sure what it was that made me think he was different He still didn’t talk to lare that couldif he did drugs or partied with thugs or stole old ladies’ purses He could very well have been doing all of that andabout him that made me think he wasn’t as scary as he seemed