page8 (1/2)
My throat was too dry to shich meant I definitely couldn’t answer, so I just nodded
Her smile was pinched at the corners “It’s nice to meet you I’ve heard a lot about you from Mason”
My heart backflipped at her words before sinking to the floor She heard about ?
“I’m Shay,” she finally said, but she didn’t extend a hand for a shake “Listen, I hope things won’t be weird between us IWe’re young, right? These things happen” She smiled wider now, happy with herself
This ti with Stephanie’s, both of the for a response What was I supposed to say?
Willow narrowed her eyes, tugging ao back to your boyfriend”
Shay shrugged, linking her arh ht Come on, Stephanie is it? I want to hear more about this boot boutique”
Stephanie lit up, chatting animatedly as Shay pulled her back tohere Mason and Dustin were standing, oblivious to what had transpired at our end of the bar
Willow pulled e wooden dance floor before I had the chance to co a spot just in tiain
“Don’t let her get to you,” Willow shouted over the song as we fell in line with the other dancers I wouldn’t say I was shy, but I was far froirl, which was part of the reason I loved line dancing There was so to stand out that pulled me in
“Kind of hard not to, Lo Did you see her?”
“Yeah And? She’s nothing special, Nat” Willow flipped her braid over her shoulder as we hit another turn