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“Gimme that mouth, please”

With a pal ue at the saasp for air, he covers my throat and my breasts et kisses

“I should tell you I’ that nuzzle thing again

“You can date them if you want They like bras froh, half hly

The coainst his pelvis with each shift of our hips, and his teeth grazing e He sits up, preventingso hard everything goes black and returns in bursts of gray and stars

“Is that good? Does it feel good? Jesus, Violet, I can feel you co on my cock”

I’ incoherent into his neck With absolute horror, I realize I’ht accidentally leave out the cock part and profess actual love is too shameful to fatho a strong bond with his penis, however I bite his shoulder to stop the words, porn- instead It’s safer

He urges iant hickey Actually, I’ve left several His lips brush ood I feel, how he’s going to co, stea over h his final thrust

My eyes snap open, because dahten, and a fine treh his body like a low level earthquake For the first ti inside ofsessions

He flops down on theme with him “That was even better than the first time”

Too exhausted to speak in full sentences, I say, “So awesome Tired”

He laughs softly, stroking my hair A few minutes pass, then he shifts my limp body, and pulls out Alex sets an alaret dressed and go, butto be in my room early, but I’ht and slips his arainst his side

“Fall asleep with me?”

I pass out with my cheek on his chest and his lips on ht side is sweaty I can’t see the clock on the nightstand without lasses Alex’s arm is heavy as hell He’s wrapped around me with his nose pressed into erly out of bed My thighs and my cooter ache, and my skin pebbles in the absence of Alex’s furnace-like body heat

The reality of what I’ve done hits me like a UFC uppercut I’ve had sex with one of Buck’s teaain Repeatedly This was a terrible idea He’s a hockey whore, and now I’m a hockey hooker I experience a swell of sha alone in that well-used bed He mumbles in his sleep, so I nabroo for lasses are nowhere to be found

A faint beeping sound from Alex’s bedroom means I’ve run out of time For one terrified second I freeze I hastily pull on my shirt, snatch my phone from the coffee table, sprint to the door, and let myself out I take the stairs all the way to the sixth floor

Insidehard I hit the floor with a wince; my cooter has been in an epic battle—with a cock monster

I had a sex with Alex Waters Twice I have no idea how h profile Not that it ardless I drop my head in my hands

What the hell have I done?ALEXThesound in the world permeates my sleep I will it to stop I want to kick its ass for interrupting my dream that includes soft, full tits I can use as a pillow