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starting at her pussy She screarowl

And I can no longer endure my own torture

Grasping hs as I level runt as I take that first, out-of-this-world thrust I go lih this It comes in the delivery of one word

“Drew,” she murmurs, short of breath

I reach up and yank off her blindfold, suddenly desperate to see those eyes The shards of light that spill the second she blinks theme deeper So much deeper Deeper into her body, and deeper into her world

Our gazes are locked as I rollthem up to my waist Her bound hands hook overfroed into the sun Intensity, heat, vivid color—it’s all shining onup me

I rock into her gently, e she’s shackled to And with each stroke, I gasp With each retreat, I s Our ragged breaths echo around us, steeped in a craving that’s palpable Clenching aroundher eyes on htly on my shoulders as I carry us toward oblivion

It’s like the calm before the stor, calm but deadly I choke when it hits h it Hot cu me between theainstall power to keep her head up Our foreheadsfor a few breathless moments

My breathing still shot, I slip out of her, unable to hold back a hiss as her flesh strokes my sensitive cock I lower her to her feet, unfasten and unravel the chains from her body as she watches me, and then drop them in a pile at her feet

I pull my jeans and T-shirt on, and sliptoward her She hasn’tht kiss on the corner of her mouth

Then I walk out

Chapter 8

The sky is gray as I head to work Fridaya dreary shadow across London, and, just my luck, the heavens open when I’m halfway from the car park to my office

U the puddles and people,I burst into the office and dropto my torso


I look up to find Andrea staring at h the thin h not shy of my body, I hurry to the men’s room

“Give o straight to the hand dryer and turn the nozzle ontomyself with hot air The mirror reflects back a drowned rat of aall over his face “Great start to the day” I give up I look trashed, my usually impeccable facade pretty damn shameful

Once settled atmyself not to Don’t call Hux I don’t need or want to know if Raya’s been back “Fuck it” I bow tocuriosity and swipe up ht ahead and question Cole whether Raya’s been there again I hold ushes out when he tells me no No, she hasn’t I don’t want to be relieved, but I’ what I want is pointless where Raya’s concerned

“Thanks, Cole” I hang up as Andrea swans in, looking chirpy

“I have good news,” she tellsa seat opposite

“Good Get my day back on track”

“The Georgian in West London I have a bite Young, single professional Annie Ryan She’s been looking forher around later today”

“Sell hard”

“She’s an architect She’ll have the vision that other buyers have lacked”

“Still, sell hard”

She ruh the papers in her lap “Here are the details for Miss Rivers’s place” A file slides across the desk before me, but I barely look I sent Andrea to take the pictures, telling myself I needed to stay away Cold and detached

“Have they been posted online?” I ask, looking busy at my computer

“Yep We’ve had a feings already and another this evening with a Mr Watts He’s got piles of cash and impatient with it”

Just the kind of buyer I like Quick turnaround, little stress “I’ll meet him” The words surprise me as they come out of my mouth

“Okay” Andrea doesn’t question it, getting up from her chair “Five o’clock Miss Rivers will be at work so take the keys” She leaves,the opportunity for o after Andrea, tell her that I have akeeps et soraph Do I really want to know? I slump back and drop my head intome off the deep end

Fifteen minutes ahead of my appointh I know she’s not here I head straight downstairs to the area where I’d seen her photos and come to an abrupt stop when the cabinet coone Every other picture reone I stare at the e with possible explanations She’s hidden it, a precaution in case I happened to coot rid of it, because she wants what it represents banished fro not to think too hard about it Yet the harder I try, the more I fail “Damn, Drew” A knock at the front door offers relief, if only for a while

Ithe door to my potential buyer “Drew Davies” I extend my hand to the man before me “Mr Watts?”

His face is tipped up, taking in the exterior “Yes” He drops his head, a warm smile on his face “Pleasure to meet you, Drew” His hand in mine is solid

“Please, come in”

You know a buyer is serious when they check every nook and cranny, feel every wall, try out every appliance and tap Mr Watts is serious, asking all the questions I would expect of so this kind of money He roams the house for over an hour

“It’s in spectacular condition, as you can see” We pass Raya’s bedroom, and my feet waver in their pace toward the stairs The bed The sheets A dress draped over the back of the chair

“I’ to have another circuit, if that’s okay,” Mr Watts says, casting his shrewd eyes around the high cornicing of the landing as he pulls a tape measure from his pocket “Take some measurements”

“Sure Take your ti him to it Back in the kitchen, I sit on a stool and pullaround, anything to stopin her fucking house, and, like the twat I am, I put myself here

“Hello?” Her voice drifts down the stairs, and I shoot up fro around, like—what? I can hide? Run away? Then steps, dainty and measured, hit the wooden steps The ball of my fist meets my forehead, my eyes clenched shut “Drew?”

“Hi” I breathe, openings, her hair a wet ain?” I ask like a chump, my eyes cemented to the pink bra reveal

ed through the wet material Nipples like bullets Skin pink and cold A few licks and I would have her body te

She duister her torso arching inward, her hand peeling the material from her skin “The buyer’s still here?”

“Taking n”

“Drew!” she snaps, and my stare jumps up from her chest to her face She narrows her eyes on me, and I can’t lie: the disapproval hurts I’ve seen every inch of her skin It shouldn’t bother her now, and it bothers me that it does “Should I leave?” she asks

I’m just about to tell her that would be hen heavy footsteps descend the stairs We both turn to find Mr Watts has made his way down

I slap myself back to life and pull in my jacket “Mr Watts, this is Miss Rivers, the owner” I move over to join them “All done?”

He doesn’t answer, and it takes aat Raya to hear e creeps up onhis view, shielding her “All done?” I repeat, not snarling but not far from it He looks up at me, and I raise my eyebrows expectantly, to hell hat he thinks To hell with the sale and commission Good God, hold me back

“Yes, sorry” He shakes himself back to life, the dirty bastard, and backs up toward the stairs, eventually turning and taking the in me not to chase him down and poke his eyes out

I redirect ister her expression She looks fu mad