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Hafiz frowned as he gave a good look at his affair with Lacey He thought their relationship had been perfect A dreaood to Lacey, but he had failed her

He had to fix this Somehoould show Lacey that she was the ht it could only be dee was about alliances and property It was about lineage and power

He would prove to Lacey thatto do with love

Lacey sighed as she tiredly unlocked the door to her aparto when she left Hafiz now felt cracked and brittle Exhaustion had seeped in She couldn’t wait to tuardless of the fact that it would be cold and lonely

She pushed the door open and stureeted by Darance with her gasp of surprise The front rooarden with red and pink flowers

An ih her ing a rose bud along her naked body Longing swept through her as a flush of red crept under her pale skin

“Lacey, I have to know,” her roo wrinkled pajamas “What have you done to deserve all these flowers?”

“They’re for me?” Her stomach clenched She’d sensed they were Only one person would send her flowers Only one ard her dee that he had to overco”

Priya cast a disbelieving look “No guy goes through all this trouble without a reason,” she said as she walked over to one oversized bouquet and stroked the fragile petals “And this one is very sure he has no con the cards”

Lacey felt her mouth twist into a bittersweet s because the flowers said it all He wanted to remind her of the passion between the her back on

As if she was in a trance, Lacey walked from one bouquet to the next The shades of pink and red thawed the coldness inside her She felt the vibrant flowers questioning her choice to exist without Hafiz Lacey sighed, knowing she should have ignored the bouquets and gone straight to bed