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page56 (1/2)

“Is she going to have to quit school?” I ask I know Ee at Julliard

He shrugs “I have no idea, but they’ll work it out Soe just to prove she could succeed And she has She’s satisfied All she wants to do is play music”

“She should be playing huge venues with a voice like hers,” I say It really was a

He shakes his head “She has no desire for fame She just really loves music And she loves my brother So, I love her”

I walk over and wrap my arms around his waist and then lay my head on his chest My cheek rests over his heart “My little fa family pretty nicely,” I say quietly

“Yep” He sets me back from him with his hands on my shoulders “Were you worried about that?”

I shrug “Maybe a little”

“Talk to me,” he says

“You guys are just so tight,” I admit “I’m envious of your bond”

“You’re part of our bond, now You know that right?” he says The hair on an You’re part of the family”

I nod against his chest Seth walks into the kitchen and hitches his hip against the counter “Would you ht while I’aze, and he avoids Matt’s, too Hmm

“Who’s the friend?” I ask

He shrugs “I don’t know yet I was just thinking it would be fun to have someone over to talk to”

“Talking?” Matt asks “That’s what you’re planning to do?”

Seth’s face flushes “Well, we , too”

What would hiswith the name of a person you want to have over, and we’ll discuss it?” I say “Will that work?”

He scowls, but he nods He sits down at the kitchen table and starts to flip through a azine Matt jams his hands in his pockets and rocks back and forth on his heels He raises his brows at me Then he sits down across from Seth and flips open the newspaper until he finds the crossword section He and Seth start to work it together Seth laughs when Matt gets a rong And Matt goads Seth incessantly about his peno into the bedrooet into my jammies


I watch Sky’s ass as she walks toward her bedroorab her ass and lift her shirt and bite the sensitive skin on her side, just above her hip I want to undress her slowly I shift in my chair and adjust my jeans Seth snorts

“What?” I ask, trying to look innocent

“Dude, you’re so transparent,” Seth says But he’s grinning He’s not mad