page49 (1/2)
“Are all taken care of,” he says His lips touch ue sweeps inside ue tangles withthe way he licked me all over in bed yesterday, and my heart starts to thump
I clench my hands in his shirt and try to keep myself on lad you’re here,” he says quietly He brushes my hair back from my forehead and then steps back
“Whose room is this?” I ask But I know ihtstand to the overall neatness, I know it’s Matt’s
He grins “It’syou into?” He snorts “You wouldn’t want to see Paul’s room There’s some kinky shit in there”
“Seriously?” I ask
He grins “No I’hs, and I love the sound of it
“Paul’s daughter is adorable,” I say I run er across the photos taped to his dresser irls in their lives—Reagan, Eht?” I ask “Or am I the only one?”
“They’ll be here soon Are you kidding? They would not rill you” He smiles “So be ready”
They’re going to grill ne I picked up, but Matt catches it before it can hit the floor
“Quit worrying,” he says “They’re har it over “Well, I wouldn’t call Reagan harmless She can drop kick the best of us But with you, harmless”
I don’t knohat to say to that
“Don’t worry,” he says again “They like you And they know that I love you, so they’ll be on their best behavior I promise”
My heart swells I’m not used to Matt’s declarations yet
“You still love ht?” Matt asks
I roll ed since yesterday” I looked up at hied for you?”
“Yeah,” he says “I want you more than I did yesterday,” he says, his voice soft and harsh all at the same time
A knock sounds on the door, and it opens a crack “Are you decent?” a female voice asks
“Open the door and find out” Matt calls back
The door opens slowly, and Emily pops her head in “Oh, thank God,” she breaths
Matt narrows his eyes at her “What?”
“You’re both dressed I thought that was going to be unco”