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“What?” I ask I flinch as one of the boys on the mat makes a terrible h I know he can’t hear me

“All of it,” she says “You do it all so well”

I look at her “Do what?”

“You entertained Mellie and Joey, and you’re watching theto educate Seth and tell hiet home”

Hoht beside her ear

“You better,” she says

My heart stutters “Okay,” I breathe

After a few ns at the sa toward the door I scoot over to separate us a couple of inches

“Thanks for the warning,” I say, and I clap my hand on his shoulder and squeeze

You’re welcorins and shakes his head Pete pulls on his i I want to punch him

My brothers are all into the s bets on the heavyweights auess He’s tall and lean, a lot like an are big and bulky, so they wrestled in the heavier classes I was the saht Seth his now

Sky’s dad sits down beside us, and I reach over to shake hands with hilares at ets interested in entertaining the the ets slammed on the mat

“That’s not going to happen to Seth, is it?” she whispers vehemently

I shrug “Maybe” I grin at her and tweak her nose “Don’t worry He’s used to it”

“He’s not going to get hurt, is he?” she asks

I take her hand into be fine”

When it’s Seth’s turn, she pulls her hand out oftoward Mellie and Joey every few seconds toto settle into this ht possible

Seth shakes hands with his opponent, and the buzzer sounds I wince because the other kid is obviously older and more experienced than Seth His opponent has a tattoo on his neck, which ood, but exuberance doesn’t trump experience

Seth gets flipped over, and Sky squeals and hides her face behind my shoulder She looks up but turns back tohappens Seth is up in points, but this kid could honestly pin hiets lucky I think the kid is playing with him, honestly
