page26 (1/2)

“Can I call you tomorrow?”

She laughs “You better”

“Good night, Sky,” I say

“’Night, Matt”

I disconnect the call and put et hoo into et ready for bed Just as I slide between the sheets, s I see that it’s her number


“Yeah,” she admits

“You okay?”

“I just wanted to tell you good night,” she says quietly

“I think you already did that” But inside, un

“Oh,” she says quietly She laughs “Sorry”

“You tired?” I ask

“Not at all”

So we talk late into the night We talk untilup the phone


I need toothpicks to hold my eyelids open today Matt and I talked until really late last night, but every ti else It was always so and deep And he answered my questions, as well

I no that he likes any kind of ice cream with chocolate chunks in it He loves nuts And he has this crazy passion for life that I didn’t know even existed His family is important to hiht, but I put him off because I don’t know yet where Seth will be on Friday

But I do want to go out with him I want to spend some time alone with him with no kids in the other room I want to kiss him and see if this passion is all in my head

It’s almost lunchti He approached me once, but I turned my back on hi really hard on a case today, getting my paperwork ready I stop and press the heels of my hands into ht

The buzzer on oes off “Yes,” I call

“Sky,” the receptionist says quietly I pick up the handset

“Yes,” I say again “What’s up?”

“There’s a really hunky guy standing in front offor you,” she whispers into the phone

What hunky guy would be asking about me? “What does he look like?”

“He’s about six two,” she starts