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‘Sa your boyfriends around the place?’
She shook her head, still stunned by his suggestion ‘No, he isn’t’
‘Don’t you have a social life, then?’ he asked, clearly not taking her statement at face value
‘Of course I have a social life I go to a yoga class and I belong to a quilting—’
His dark broitched ‘Quilting? I frequently can’t tell if you’re on the level or you’re trying to wind me up’
‘I don’t see whyto wind you up’
‘I’!’ he exploded
‘Quilting is very relaxing,’ she infor pretty and practical to show for your efforts at the end of the day I’ve not got very far yet, but just because you’ve no aptitude for so doesn’t mean you shouldn’t stick with it’
‘I a Will you quit talking about quilting?’ he revealed in a low, driven tone ‘I’ about sex, unless you’ve taken soed
An expression of shock spread across his face when, instead of sharing the joke, she looked away ‘You don’t date…not at all?’
‘Of course I date’
‘I don’t see what the problem is, then Why not date me?’
When he said ‘date me’ she was pretty sure it was a euphemism for sleep with me ‘You don’t see the problem because you’re a sandwich short of a picnic and unused to dealing with rejection’
‘Rejection I can deal with, but not fro me with her eyes every time she’s in the same room as me’p????e
The mortified heat rushed to her cheeks ‘My God, you are so colossally arrogant,’ she breathed
A wolfish grin split his dark lean features as he looked down into her outraged face ‘Maybe I aht Aren’t I, Scarlet?’
Scarlet wasn’t going down that road
‘You want reasons? Let me see—where shall I start? How do you know I don’t already have a boyfriend?’