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Another noise got her attention, like a thrashing or swishing noise She turned her head to listen
“NO!” Harris’ voice shouted
That didn’t sound right She rose up and padded to the door of the rooroans androom
Noah was laying sprawled out on the couch Despite it being winter all around them, he kept the luxurious cabin well heated and he only wore sweat pants
Ridge knew after their last encounter in this very room that she should stay away from him, but as he tossed and turned, she couldn’t help but move closer
The firelight lit along his well defined chest She sucked in a breath, she had wondered how he really looked under his tee shirt Her iination hadn’t even coaze at the tattoo he wore on that glorious chest of his She tilted her head She knew that design but couldn’t remember what it meant
“No, fallback, fallback!” he whispered in anger
Ridge felt sothat she had no understanding of She felt syhtmare that must be hell She moved forward
He now settled down a bit, but a tear slipped from his close eyelid
A tear? Froot her fear as she sat down next to his long hard forhtly touched the tattoo inked along his hot skin
Grabbing her hand, Harris gripped it tight and hauled her up on top of him
Gasping in shock, Ridge’s soft body met with his hard lines
His e at her face while reflected flames from the fireplace rose in them “Who are you?” he whispered hoarsely
Opening her mouth to remind him that she had no earthly idea, he pulled her face down to his and s mouth
Her body heated up instantly, she beca kiss took over any rational thought she could have had This was the sa out He sucked on her tongue then bit at her lips So rough, but so sexy