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Looking nervous, he cleared his throat and turned his head to look all around “It’s a delicate matter…”
I was reh, his behavior still seemed suspicious and I felt I needed to take yet another step back So I did It would just be the cherry on top to have so onto me
“I need to hire you to deliver a e”
I shookpuzzled “What? Like Western Union or so? You do know there’s the internet now, don’t you? Like you could even Instagrae
“No, no Hand delivered” He smiled for the first time “It has to be hand delivered”
I al made him look even more cartoonish “I don’t understand” Like the Cheshire cat on a diet…I covered my smile, so he wouldn’t see how amused I was
He squared his narrow shoulders “It’s complicated and really not your concern It’s supposed to happen out a ways and it’s time sensitive”
I nodded slowly “I still don’t—”
“500 to deliver and another five when it’s done”
My mouth popped open as my jaent slack
The reider “It’s just an envelope, see?” He raised up a green colored envelope
I stared at it Green! Blinking my eyes rapidly, I tilted my head back and stared up at the sky in sudden reverence Was a guardian angel listening to oose bumps on my arms
The little man looked spooked as he leaned his head back and followedwhat I saw He then dropped his head to peer atfired and all…” he continued, “I really needed this in a hurry and the agency couldn’t have it done when I needed”
“And when is that?”
“Tonight, by 7 pm”