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“Fourth, huh? Guess there’s a guy with eyes and a brain down there,” he said with a chuckle, but his voice seeot a last name?”

“Burton,” I replied

Kiro was silent again, and then he cleared his throat “How’s that bitch at work? She still giving you shit?” he asked

I relaxed This e norot fired,” I said, still reeling over how that had happened “Will heard her rea that wasn’t my fault She had threatened to have me fired Then he walked in and told her she needed to pack her desk up and go home”

“Will? As in the guy you’re dating?”

I had forgotten to mention that Will waswith contractor accounts Will’s dad owned the coer,” I explained

Kiro didn’t comment, so I decided it was time to shift the conversation away fro hoht?” I had a poster of the band with the tour dates on it hanging in my bedroom I liked to be able to see where he was each day

“Last stop was tonight I’ here”

He never called on nights they performed He usually partied afterward “What? No party in London?” I asked

“Yeah They’re partying I wasn’t in the mood Came back to the hotel”

That didn’t sound like Kiro His whole tone seemed off “Are you OK? You don’t sound like your usual self”

He let out a sigh “Yeah, I’-ass tour”

And it o in the et some sleep?”

“I’d rather hear you talk”

When he said things like that, my whole body shivered I loved his deep voice, and any little cohts of hi sad, I did the best I could to make hiht would aht Live episodes he had ot out of hily


I knocked on the door, trying hard not to be pissed that this piece of shit apart security was E her And I pictured her a fucking lot

Waiting withto re to see her face for months Every tih alert I couldn’t rein in its attraction to Emily

I heard a chain sliding out of the lock as the door swung open, revealing her in a pair of tiny shorts and a caeous eyes ide

“Kiro,” she said, unable to hide the grin that lit up her face It was ht frowhile on tour, and it was this face Fuck me

“I wake you up, angel?” I asked, stepping into her apartment with my hands still firmly stuck in the pockets of my jeans I didn’t trust them around Emily They wanted to touch her