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“Can you bla the view of his sexy baby mama when she bends over?”
I roll-off-skills”
“Now, that’s just patently untrue” He reaches for ht back across the roo -on skills that I admire”
Sure enough, he is hardening beneath“Hht” I hop off hirab a pair of sweats from our closet
He stares at me, open-mouthed “You tease”
“Don’t worry I just have a quick errand to run” I wink at him “Then I’ll be back for more, trust me”
“Mm Utter and complete tease,” he adds
Honestly, I wouldn’t have stopped But now that I’ve started to wonder, I need to know I can’t wait to find out
I can’t wait to tell hiht
It’s a quick walk to the drug store An even quicker walk home, and then just a few minutes in the bathroom My stomach turns itself in knots the whole tile with nervous sweat
It’s fine, I tell myself No matter what the results are, we’re happy The twins, Cassius and I are the happiest family I could ever have asked for The last 9 months with him have been the best in my life I couldn’t ask for more
But we otten it anyway
Sure enough, a couple of hts up on the tiny white stick Pink plus sign
I breathe out slowly,even faster noant to shout for joy Jump up and down, punch the air, scream out our happiness to the world
But first, there’s someone I need to share this with
It feels different than my first time, of course With the twins, I was ecstatic, thrilled beyond words that the procedure worked But I saw it co It was planned, from start to finish—except, of course, for the double-babies rather than one
Even so, it felt like a plan, so else
A miracle
I pad into the roolasses on, which are sexy as hell on hiood Those will help
I tiptoe up to the bed Slowly climb onto it, until I’m poised over his hips