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She heard Travis's deep voice call so to someone inside the house the ave her a second's warning Then she was staring into his face, Iris dear, dear face And he was staring at her, blankly As though he didn't knoho she was Or as though he didn't want to knoho she was? Had he decided to wash his hands of her?
Gathering every ounce of courage, Beth said huskily, "Hello, Travis' And then she waited
The blank expression vanished, his voice strangled as he said, ‘Beth I wasn't sure if ht you were in London' He stared at her, his eyes narrowing
Harvey had pushed his way into the house, careless of whether he elcome or not, and a mo in here'
'You've got company'
Beth wasn't aware her face had drained of colour but now his hand came out to take her wrist, his voice , 'Harvey, come here' Harvey appeared instantly but only so far as Travis's side Bending and taking his collar, Travis said 'I'll put him with Sheba inthe door 'Stay there Don't move I'll be back'
Beth stood exactly where she was as Travis led Harvey to his study, her brain trying to coh the shock which had frozen it when she heard a woht She shook her head Travis alking back to her and he finished the thought as he said, 'You thought I had a woman here?'
The words were one thing, the question behind theht The wo was the ?'
'You thought I had a date?' he persisted, watching her closely
Travis being Travis, he wasn't about to be deflected 'Only for a moment' She wasn't about to lie She would never lie to Travis again 'When you didn't returna female voice, as I supposed to think? I I sent you away I wouldn't have blaht, I know that'
'Phone call?' His brow had wrinkled but the piercing grey eyes were burning into hers 'What phone call?'
'I phoned your mobile earlier'
'It's probably in the car' She watched him take a deep breath 'Why did you call?' he asked softly