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Sothe no sy extreht and I' and I've ruined it all?' she said, her voice wobbly
Catherine gave a school- Travis, that he accepted it was over If he loves you and you love hiht tooth and nail I'd have bet my life he's no quitter'
'He he doesn't know I love him,' Beth admitted flatly
'He doesn't?' Catherine raised her eyebrows 'You haven't told him? Not even when he said how he felt?'
Worse than that 'I said I didn't love him, actually When be asked' Beth waited for the explosion It didn't happen
For once Beth had the satisfaction of seeing her sister speechless but in the circumstances it wasn't enjoyable After ahiirl'
It was the saular intervals—every thirty seconds, in fact—since TuesdayBut always harsh reality followed 'I can't' Beth reached for her bag 'Because the same reasons I finished it still apply I love him but I don't trust him, Catherine, and I can't help it I want to trust him but every time I think of the future doubts pour in And that isn't fair on hiirl was like we used to know—Christine Brown? After her fiance jilted her she ruined every relationship that folloith her jealousy'
'Christine Broas a headache'
'No, she was just massively insecure because of what had occurred It coloured her relationships It happens'
'She was massively insecure and a headcase,' Catherine said drily 'You're not like her Not remotely'
'But I ht be, with Travis I love him so much I couldn't bear it if it went bad At least this way the , obviously' That had been as bad as it got
'Meht,' Catherine said practically 'Beth, you can't tell me you don't want to settle down at so that with anyone other than Travis if you love him like you say you do? You've alanted babies'
This baring the soul wasn't all it was cut out to be As the pain sliced through her, Beth turned on her heel 'I have to go,' she said unsteadily 'Harvey's been on his own at the flat for an hour or so and I need to take him for a walk'
'How is he?' Catherine followed her to the front door, her pretty face creased orry
'Sulking, e, I think' Beth tried to smile but it didn't work Instead her lip quivered