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Alaran to overwhelht consider sleeping with Travis in the future How could she think such a thing? How could she con¬te to bed with a man who didn't love her but only felt physical desire? But then had Keith loved her? She'd thought he did but she'd been proved wrong Perhaps Travis's as the more honest, at least
When Travis brought the car to a stop outside her gate Beth knew she wasn't nearly ready for an affair If he wanted to coht kiss was all he could expect, she told herself frantically
He didn't He merely left the car and walked round the bonnet to open her door, helping her out and then pushing open her gate 'I'll watch you in,' he said coolly, before pulling her into hihly she was vitally aware of the th of his body and how aroused he was Nevertheless it was he who ended the kiss, fir her on her way to the front door on tres
Harvey bound out as soon as she opened the door and after a cursory welco to return to the house until Travis walked him back
'He's not noretically 'It's just that he's taken to you'
A small smile lifted the corners of Travis'ssmile 'If it helps my case with his mistress I've no objection,' he said softly He came closer and lifted her chin 'And I do need all the help I can get, don't I, Beth?'
He had known she was panicking as they had drawn up
outside the cottage She stared at him and then made a small
helpless gesture with her hands 'It isn't you, not as such,' she
stammered 'I'm just not ready' She shook her head
Travis, I's still'
'I know,' he said even ht, Beth'
This time the kiss merely brushed her lips and in the nextinto the car and disappearing into the night without a backward glance