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'I have the Estate for when the dogs travel with me and this for when they don't,' he said et away until late today and I have to get back to them when they'll be perfectly OK with my housekeeper in Bristol'
He had a Mercedes and an Aston Martin, the gorgeous house she'd seen that first night as well as another hon pay these days, for goodness' sake? Beth slid into the leather interior
Immediately he joined her Beth wished she had insisted they travel with Catherine and Michael It would have racious and selfish considering it would have e to drop her off, but it would have been so worth it As it was, she was trapped in this wildly sexy car with Travis so close she was in danger of hyperventilating
She sat as stiff as a board as he expertly manouvered the powerful car to face the direction in which they were heading, her pulse racing On the periwheel and the way his trousers had pulled tight over hard thighs It was disconcert¬ing The word mocked her with its feebleness
As they began to follow the other car along the lane Travis settled more comfortably into his seat and Beth felt the action in every cell of her body She sed to co to look out of the sideas though she had never seen the view before
'Your sister isn't much like you,' Travis observed coolly
Beth looked at him out of the corner of her eye and saas perfectly relaxed and laid-back The resentment she felt enabled her to say flatly, 'Actually, people have always said how alike we are Catherine's only a couple of years older than me and there were tier Old aunties and uncles were forever getting us mixed up'
'I wasn't referring to your physical appearance'
'Oh, no?' Somehow she felt she came off unfavourably in the coive hi her, but she couldn't resist saying, 'What exactly were you referring to, then?'
He shrugged, considering his words for a moment before hein where angels fear to tread, I would iine'
Beth stared at the hard square jaw There was a five o'clock shadow in evidence and the stubble was strong and dark Beth didn't knohy it made her stomach lurch but it did Stiffly, she said, 'You make her sound like a cocker spaniel'
He gave a crooked smile 'Unintentional, I assure you'