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As the weekend approached she found herself counting the hours and was genuinely appalled at her weakness, especially as she couldn't discern whether the overriding feeling which had her heart ain was one of excitement or nervousness Whatever, it didn't ry and even more disturbed
On Fridayjust as she'd sat down in the tiny back garden with Harvey, a cup of coffee and a plateful of wickedly delicious chocolate biscuits at her side, her heart did a allop before she realised Travis didn't have her nue her head at herself, she answered the call
'Beth?' Catherine's voice was all bubbly 'Guess what? Michael's mother has offered to have James for a couple of days so we can have a loved-up weekend by ourselves, and Michael's booked a hotel on the outskirts of Shropshire so we can call in and take you out for a meal for a few hours What do you think? Oh, Neddy, I can't wait to see you It seees'
Catherine's use of the old nickname told Beth her sister meant what she said Catherine only ever used it when she was feeling particularly sentimental
'But if it's supposed to be a weekend for you and Michael, won't he ot on ith her brother-in-laas a true salt of the earth type, but she didn't want to take advantage of his good nature, so Catherine was prone to do on occasion
'Darling, it was Michael who suggested it and booked the hotel, I pro you And it'll only be for a few hours I'll make sure I reward hiled 'So, how about we call for you toa-saga gossip It'll be lovely'
'Cath, I don't see a soul and that's what I love, but do come if you're sure you can spare some time out of your precious weekend It would be lovely to see you, but only if you're sure'
'Totally And I'll bring the latest photos of Jaed in a month See you tomorrow, then Love you, little sis Very much'
'Love you too and can't wait to see you'
Beth finished the call and put the phone down, picking up the fragrantthe creaue She hoped Travis called by before Sunday so she couldThat would teach hiest she was the equivalent of a friendless little orphan Annie
And then she sat sharply upright, cross with herself for caring what he oodness' sake, as the hts in a way that had never happened before She had to get a grip! She was turning into one neurotic female
She drank the coffee and shared the biscuits with a slaver¬ing Harvey before going for a long walk, and once hoarden for the rest of the day After checking it was all right with the owner of the cottage via John Turner, she had decided to create a border of flowers in the sohtly coloured primulas, Michaelmas daisies, delphiniuarden centre It e was giving her so much that she wanted to put a little back
She worked on until a soft-scented twilight fell, refusing to acknowledge that for the last few hours she had had one ear cocked for the sound of a car approaching At last, when it was too dark to see, she retired to the cottage with a somewhat crestfallen Harvey who had been ad in the freshly overturned earth, thereby scattering flowers in all directions
Perhaps Travis wasn't going to come this weekend, after all As she made supper, Beth told herself she didn't care one way or the other Maybe work cos of ahim in Bristol He was a very attractive man; there were bound to be plenty of women ould have their eye on him
She didn't knohy she felt so disgruntled and irritable as she got ready for bed, or why she lay awake for a good couple of hours before she drifted off into a troubled sleep full of coes Or perhaps it was just that she didn't want to know Whatever— self-examination was not an option
Catherine and Michael arrived on the dot of six o'clock the next day Harvey was delighted to see his old friends and gave them an ecstatic welcome, and Beth's sister and her husband declared thee and its position With Shropshire in general, in fact