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There’s a short pause as I back out ofspot, then I heara et investors to bite at it It’s going to fall flat, and you’ll look bad If you look bad, Knight Investment Group looks bad So call me”
Rollingwheel to delete the voicemail I make my way back toward the nicer part of town to my apartment As I drive, I consider what to say to my dad when I call hiards a suht
My dad and I have always had a strangely unusual relationship He’s arrogant, self-centered, and ruthless when it comes to business I’ve been told by many that I’m just like him, but perhaps a tad more ruthless
We get along fine because our worlds are centered aroundinsane amounts of ht Invest to keep his opinions to hi to his since I’ve taken over He’s still going to give me advice whether I want it or not
He’s lucky I usually want it, because I respect his entrepreneurial acu the Tyndall property, I’ut instinct on this It’s the one significant difference between us I’ to take risks he never would have in business, and it’s hard for him to understand that about me
Regardless, I respect the reatly, which means he still has tremendous influence over me
But I choose not to call hi heads with hioodjust moments in Hannah’s company
Instead, I call someone who is usually a pleasure to talk to
My twin sister Christina
She answers on the third ring with an affectionately irreverent greeting “What’s up Ash-hole?”
“You know, after twenty years, that nickname is a bit overused,” I reply drolly
Christina’s laugh is husky and h, which causeslike my father, Christina took after our late mother She’s kind to everyone and focuses all her free time on philanthropy
Like ue educated—I went to Penn, and she went to Yale—but she disappointed Father and forever endeared herself to Mother when she decided to become a public-school teacher