page37 (1/1)

The address Russ gave ht shot from here down to Chelsea And I arrive in the station just in time to catch an express train I hop onto it and take a seat as we speed don, trying to guess where we ht be headed

I could have just googled the address he sent me, but where would be the fun in that? Last time I was pleasantly surprised by where we ended up I have a feeling tonight could be the same

So I resist the urge to cheat, and I show up to our date half an hour later, completely unprepared I follow the map directions out of the subway station and a couple blocks over, only to find h-rise I stare up at it,open Does Russ live here? I realize I’ve never been over to his house, although I’ve heard hi a place don Does Chelsea count as don? I’m never sure where the line lives exactly

As I’, a warm hand comes to rest on the small of my back, and someone leans down close to my ear “New dress, hmm? I like this one even better”

Just the sound of Russ’s low, baritone voice is enough to war into It’s automatic whenever he’s close to h the thin fabric of ainst my earlobe

I turn to face hiht up when they meet mine He sweeps an appreciative look overas he takes in every inch of me

“Maybe it’s just et sexier every ti up to crook under my chin, so he tilts my face toward his

“What do they say? Like a fine wine, I just get better with age,” I reply, a grin on my face

Then his lips find mine, and I’m too distracted to think up more witty comebacks I sink into him, let his lips part mine, his mouth hot and firm where mine is soft, supple He cradles ile, a delicate flower he doesn’t want to hurt

I love that But I love it when he’s rough even more I nip at his lower lip, and he chuckles into our kiss, his voice going low and gravelly when he draws back to respond

“Don’t get ie, or we’ll have to skip this entire date”

My breath stops in my chest at the way he looks atbetter than to pull nize the look He’s worn it often enough in the hospital corridors, right before he does just that

“Is the date visiting your apartlance back at the building next to us

He chuckles and loops an ar me toward the double doors “I live in Soho This is just a visit to a friend I’d like you to meet”

At the word friend, my feet stutter in my kitten heels, so ainst Russ’s shoulder to stay on s to start working again, as I follow hi

The doorman in the corner waves and tells us to take the first elevator The doors ping open then, and Russ steps inside There are no buttons No hint of where we ht be headed

“Don’t worry,” Russthe tension in every inch of my muscles “This is not aLike I keep telling you, I have parts ofabout”

“Okay,” I reply slowly, trying to force myself to relax a little Then it dawns on me He wants me to meet a friend of his? Does that mean this is more serious than just a hookup?

I’ve been feeling that way, but I’ve been too afraid to ask him how he really feels, or what he expects out of this I’m worried that if I ask, he’ll tellit, because… fuck I as for him, damn it Real ones

I s back the sudden realization and force myself to keep ie Stop overthinking everything Lord knows I’