page13 (1/2)

“Again,” he says, his voice low and corowl

I open ain so quickly, I never have before But to , especially with the way Russ pushesalongright across my G-spot every time he thrusts into me

Before long, the pressure starts to build behindright back up toward the peak again This tiet to be quiet I coh the stairwell,the second it happens, but it’s too late to go back now

For his part, it barely even seerip on as dohen my pussy clenches and convulses around hiie You telltense, and hear the tightness in his throat, his voice, as he battles to control himself for a few more seconds

“In asp “Come inside me”

I say it just in time He obeys, and I feel the hot rush of his cuht around rasp his hands, but he’s already pulling out of ain at the sensation of ouralongdirty

But Russ hasat my feet He leans in to kiss h to make me shudder all over from the pleasant sensation Then he yanks my panties andat my feet

“That was fucking incredible,” I whisper

“You are fucking incredible,” he counters, rising to kiss me softly on the mouth He draws back just as the stairwell door nearest us opens, and one of the nurses sticks her head in, one I don’t recognize, froh, as is clear froain Russ looks every inch co placidly

I, on the other hand, feel like I probably look like I just… well, got fucked senseless I can feel the flush in my cheeks, and I know my scrubs are wrinkled, my hair mussed Still, I plaster on a belated smile

“Everything okay in here?” she asks “I heard a shout”