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Gabe wanted to speak out To tell her that she had helped, that with her he had finally confronted
To tell her howevery singlewhere she had touched him
But he didn’t kno to
Polly took a deep breath ‘I don’t knohat love is, not really But I think ere close At least, I was close The closest I’ve ever been But I have the baby to think of, the security I have pro it first, to be strong for it’
She reached over and took his hand, her fingers soft in his He curled his hand round hers, holding the a kiss onto his knuckles ‘My mother didn’t put us first Or second or anywhere Her need for love cauess I overcompensated, desperate to show the world that I didn’t need anyone That I wasn’t like her Noonder if maybe I took it too far But now isn’t the time to worry about that I can’t put myself first, not any more’
‘No’ What else was there to say?
‘I do believe that there’s soe or a goal, it’s a blessing’ She closed her eyes, blinking back a tear ‘I have to admit I’m a little jealous of that someone’ Her voice was so low he hardly heard the words ‘Maybe you’ll do it on your own You’re strong enough, goodness knows The burdens you bear The uilt’
‘I’m happy for you, really I a’
So much for honesty He was utterly broken and they both knew it
Breathe Breathe Breathe It wasn’t easy training for an Alpine triathlon in a busy, flat city like London It was a particularly gruelling trial, a lake swim followed by a ninety-kiloh the trails didn’t go too high up into the Tyrolean mountains it was a hilly course
Just finishing wasn’t an option He wanted a winning time
There was nothing better than pushing his body to its lier at its mercy, that his mind was in control at all times
Control He’d lost it the past feeeks It was tiain it
Gabe stopped, leaning against a tree, and took a swig of water It didn’t take long for fitness levels to drop For an easy ten-kiloe
He just needed to get his rhythain that blissful state where all he kneas the thud of his feet, the beating of his heart
Instead he ran to a soundtrack of Polly’s voice, sad, resigned, defeated I like you
And he’d said? He’d said nothing Because what could he say?
I wish I could have helped you, the way you’ve helped me
Of course she did She was an achiever Polly Rafferty didn’t like to leave tasks unfinished, a list unticked She’d wanted to see him reconciled with his family, the past dealt with