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page41 (1/2)

“Why was it stressful? Didn’t the wedding planner take care of everything?” he said, covering the distance between them

The closer he moved to her, the heavier his blood flew in his veins Just the scent of her soap and skinit set up an instant reaction in him

Blinking rapidly, she clutched the counter behind her Which stiffened her posture and thrust her small breasts up

“You’re joking, right?”

“Why were you stressed, bella?”

“Because I was getting est conditions that I ever dreaht I had trapped hi her voice

He grinned “The beast?”

“Yes Anyway, I know that our contract doesn’t stipulate looking after each other in case ofconcern toward each other, so I’rateful to you for—”

“Shut up, Clio,” he said, staggered at how easily she had hi operated by a switch

Just fifteen ut at the way she occupied every inch of the suite that had always been free of fe wood just by standing in his kitchen and noas annoyed as hell

At her and at himself

All he wanted to do right noas tear up the bloody contract, pick her up, carry her to his bedroom, and peel that denim off of her slowly, inch by inch until he could touch her all over

“Is the one now?”

“Yes, thank you,” she said primly

Was it his arrogance that rankled at being dismissed so well? Or was it the allure of a woman who didn’t immediately fall for him?

Chewing on that errant thought, he picked up one of the coffee cups and took a sip

The bitter brew on his tongue instantly re “You found a Sicilian blend in Manhattan?” he said, surprised

A flush claimed her cheeks at his pointed question “I know a Sicilian coffee stand I go there every once in a while”

“My favorite breakfast and coffee Grazie, Clio” Leaning next to her, he tried to corral the various e his throat, he offered her an aard smile “Take the day easy Go to the spa or if you want, I can have the pilot take you to”