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Chapter 1

The dream was as familiar as always, but that didn’t keepout of ht hts froht to see hied at the corner of my mouth as I sloalked toward him The hard packed wet sand crunched underthe tide line I could feel the cold water lapping over the top ofmy ankles The fact that I have never seen his face didn’t dihts we have spent together There was a subtle, cool breeze off the ocean that ht have chilled me if not for his warm embrace that coht I hoped against hope that the neist of the dreaht would be different I felt his fingers tighten around th I had to hold on, but the invisible force yanked hione

I woke to a da

The dreaed over the last feeeks and I could hardly control the sorrow that filledabout him my whole life, the dreams were now different What was thisme all alone in the darkness?

I sat up and brushed away the wet blonde strands of hair that was stuck to the moisture on my face

Glancing at the alarm clock beside my bed, I was dismayed to see that daas justoff any minute

“Well, I o take my shower now,” I told Feline

Feline wasup in cat years, and would rather stay on my comfortable bed, he peeked his eyes open at the sound of , he closed his eyes back up and snuggled even deeper into the blankets

For the first tih he looked like he was zonked out, I kneould beat me to the bathroom

Sure enough, the instant I swung e of the bed, Feline was at my feet

Bending over, I scratched hi out of my room With Feline at my heels, I walked down the hallway to the bathroom

I was finally getting used to the set up of the new house and had stopped opening the hallway closet door to go to the bathrooht, I actually walked all the way into the closet before realizing I wasn’t in the bathroom In my defense, I had been half asleep, but it was still e ns on the bathroom doors like you see in restaurants, if that would help

I could feel the flush of ein to creep up my neck as it headed for my face I knew my mom didn’t really think I would have used it as a bathroo sweetie,”my hand

“I know” My red face couldn’t hide my embarrassment

If I could change one thing aboutabout their appearance, but not reat, as a matter fact, I pretty much feel I’m a lost cause