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“Am I banished from the break room, then?” Samson shook his head “I feel your rules are too strict, mistress”

“I’et your coffee, either froo out to the café across the street, but you co around here every day e break for lunch, anda run for coffee, or extra pens or so”

His brow furrowed, and he shifted his weight as he looked at her He’d been teasing her before, but now she couldn’t read him at all

“You don’t want my company?”

Was he hurt? He seeenuinely put out

“No, I’m just… Look You are the boss here You can be the buddy boss if you want, or the hard ass You get to decide everything But the rules are really there to protect us, and I’ve worked for plenty of guys ould break them up until the moment they suddenly felt threatened, and then your employees are the ones who suffer We’re the ones out of a job” April sipped her water “If you want to have a lighter atmosphere, you have to make it comfortable for us to participate in it And if you don’t, then don’t bethe butt of your jokes That’s all”

Sato fire her She’d done it again Run her mouth and pissed off the man with all of the power

Instead, he came over to sit across from the table with her “I didn’ttis”

“Then why do you…” April looked down at the table for a o out of your way to ?”

Sa “Honestly… You made such an impression when I saw you inwoman It bothers me that I didn’t re, holding back, it makes me wonder which you really are: the fierce lioness, or the shy little mouse”

April squared her shoulders and sucked in her cheeks “I’m neither”

“Is that so?” Samson’s eyes scanned over her curiously “Then what are you?”

“I’m a person,” April snapped

Sa That obviously wasn’t what he was expecting Finally, he said, “I know you are a person”

“Maybe” April packed up the contents of her lunch into the bag “But fine, challenge h, that I’m a person Not an object, or a toy, here for your around they’re standing on is firm And people, especially people like me, are survivors To survive, you have to be able to assess your situation and become whatever you have to be So sorry if I disappoint you soh”

Sa up her lunch, and he let her leave the rooain She didn’t know if she spent soaround him because he could strip this opportunity away from her, or because he made her feel like a furnace had been stoked deep inside her, and she had no outlet for all that heat

Ideally, April would get off work, go hons and options for her team In the real world, she turned on Netflix to some dumb sitcoh her Facebook feed The next hour elapsed to the sounds of canned laughter and the occasional YouTube video one of her friends had shared

Then, she noticed a familiar face in the “Up Next” coluht co and considered it Didn’t she have enough proble how he performed for the camera?

An hour later, and she’d fallen pretty ht circuit, to daytime television, to extended intervieith major news networks, Samson was possibly one of the most covered businessiven the amount of space he took up in tabloids, but those stories were all about Samson’s active sex life The rest of the media covered every aspect of business possible, as well as his opinions on politics—

“Well, Andy, the probley”