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Aziz reh local wares Laine positioned herself so that Aziz towered behind her, and she pulled out her notepad to scribble down a few ideas and make some sketches

“Ah, this inspires the artist!” Aziz said

“I could have used the internet or so,” Laine muttered

“I can’t ih”

“No Not even close”

Laine took in the aled with the scent of spices andand heavy perfume The dress code here was much like the mall: very little skin shown, but everyone dressed very well In fact, the oers may have been dressed even better than the people at the mall The men passed in Western-style suits or in locally popular dishdashas The long robes hung to the ankles and though ht, cool colors Most, but not all, of the women covered their hair with lovely, ornate scarves in the way Hadiya did Either way, being well-groolad that Hadiya had given her a selection of garments that were appropriate to wear in public

The people went about their business, barely noticing the two of theuard She supposed nize Aziz, just as nize the top one percent of Ae clowns of thelances they gotto New York and the subsequent videos than anything else

“Oh, these are nice” Laine walked over to a wall of hanging la within Likely, they caught the eye ht, but the patterns, the way the little tile fraght Laine’s attention

“You like these?” the shop owner asked Laine as she looked over the dozens of hanging laive you an excellent price”

“They are eye-catching” Laine looked back at Aziz “You have so ht with the la in There are rooms where it would be better to have so”

“These are very common to have around,” he said

“Hm That’s one of the reasons ould put theht see Go , but keep these touches that would make them feel at home”

“Note what you like I doubt they even have enough here to cover one roo his hands in his pockets

He turned away for a eneral do was probably beyond his capacity for personal investment