page20 (1/2)
“That’s it? No warning or greeting? You just coo as you please?”
“I do have much business handleThere are many, many notes here,” Aziz said
“There are many,to get an overall plan together, but am stalled by the aforelues and paints!”
“We can order more supplies That is not a problem”
“I knoe need I just was packing things so fast, and I didn’t have tiot put in, and the assistants don’t knohat they’re doing They didn’t pack the right stuff”
Aziz strolled past her and ran his fingertips over the runny paint “This is disgusting”
“Yes, it is” Laine sht settled on her chest She wasn’t sure how she could finish this job in teeks She had even less ti to work out what to do
Laine’s mental deliberations were cut short as Aziz turned and smeared the paint across her cheek
“What are you doing?” she demanded
“It still spreads well enough!” he teased
Laine put her hands on her hips “But it won’t go on evenly!”
“I suppose we’ll have to see about that! Let me try another color…”
Laine stared him down and then reached for a different brush Aziz didn’t back away as she painted glue over his chest
“This isn’t paint,” he said
She picked up her notebook, scribbled on it, and then tore out the page and stuck it to his chest It read, “Big Fancy Accountant”
“Big— Laine!” Aziz gasped “I am not an accountant!”
“I s of our family’s estate—”
Laine just smiled
“Which are both local to the Middle East and international!” Aziz turned as Laine stepped away to look at her notes “And I consult on economic policy for our nation…”
After a moment of silence, Laine looked back just in ti tipped over her head