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“The sa h law school”
“Do you want to bring a date and go bowling with us tomorrow?”
“No thanks I have other plans”
I felt a heavy hand onhi
“What’s going on?”
Troy sat down next to me Alexander sat beside him
“Hey, Alex”
I glanced at Troy again
“Hayden, you know the sa money” He raised and spread his ar awesome!”
I smiled
“Alex, hoas your vacation?”
“Dude, it would have been better if all of us could have hung out”
I began to speak
“Hey, its ok” He raised his finger They began singing on que “I’m in love with a stripper!”
I placed ot jokes!”
Troy patted my back a couple of times “It’s ok She is beautiful But fuck Eric, the look on your face when she began dancing for you, it’s like you never seen pussy before And we both know that is bull shit!”
They all laughed
My friends and I are all about the saht We’ve been friends since ere kids A bunch of rich white kids who have gotten into our fair share of trouble growing up Never the less, as adults we’ve turned into workaholics Well, all of us except Bryce He doesn’t want to work He doesn’toff our family’s oil fortune His father, Harrison, is o into the stock business
They always do the same shit as the other Uncle Harrison andthe coreed to let my sister and I run the company Bryce wanted no part of the business Bryce is often out on the town He enjoys having a good time Bryce Gaster has short brown hair, brown eyes, muscular frame, slender nose and eyebrows, and thin lips
Zander Marshall and I are the sath black hair He sometimes pulls his hair back into a ponytail or up into a ry even when he isn’t He has a full beard Dude looks like a fucking lu pussy or not because he is a bit on the fucking edgy side
Troy Griffin has short blonde hair on the sides, longer on top hanging in his face, and gray eyes Mister get all the chicks kind of guy You know the one ill never settle down because he has a plethora of woy out His company still makes a ton of money, so it must work in his favor