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With a shaking finger, he turned off his phone
He rose, bathed in a pool of es so black it see out of the pool would h he’d been held in this spot for too long
He was here, at the Manor, with these wo, but what the hell was he really doing for his father? Nothing Being a handy him blisters
The floor creaked over his head as they got ready for bed He could talk to theht now Tell them about what people in town said about her, ask if it was true
Don’t hurt us
He was reluctant down to his feet to hurt the here in the dark, tallying the bloody mistakes he’d made would drive him out of his mind Maybe he was halfway there—half mad with all of it already It was the only explanation for what he was doing
What he’d come to
He forced hi on the thin bunk owning it, holding court, like it was the high stakes roout punch Seven years for a crime he hadn’t committed alone
Other people needed to be punished
Unbidden, he reraveyard eyes The splotches of blood like ugly rust-colored flowers on her sequined gown
The way she screamed and screamed and screamed when the ambulance took her boyfriend’s body away
He was here for justice
And justice didn’t care who got hurt
With a cool head, he decided to look for a safe Talking about Vanessa had gotten hiossip into it wouldn’t help
The sounds of Katie’s and Savannah’s voices filtered down through the old floors and he knew he had to wait until the house was asleep before starting his hunt
He turned on the caht and picked up his sketchbook He flipped past his sketches of the repairs and quickly went to work on a sketch of the interior of the house, which was basically two squares built on top of each other around a central courtyard