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‘I didn’t bring any’

‘Why not?’ Whenever Cara came to Sicily she always came for at least a week

‘I only came for the day’

‘Really?’ He’d arrived from Paris with barely twentythe inevitable for as long as huined Cara had done the same

‘I didn’t want to risk spilling the beans to Grace before I’d had a chance to speak to you’

‘That was good of you,’ he acknowledged

‘Not really’ Her face tightened ‘I orried she’d be unable to keep it from Luca and that Luca in turn would tell you’

Upon reflection, Pepe was certain that if his sister-in-law had known she would have tracked hiiven him hell ‘I’ll ask Grace if she has any clothes you can borrow’

‘You jolly on’t’ Cara glared at him

‘You’re right Bad idea’ If he sought Grace out he’d have to explain why her best friend was sitting with scalded thighs in his bath, and then everything about the baby would becoe ‘Have you told anyone about the baby?’

‘Only my mother, but she doesn’t count’

‘Good,’ he said, ignoring the tightening of her lips as she h to think about as it was

‘Why’s that, then? Worried all those doting Mastrangelo aunts and uncles will try and marry us off?’

‘They can try all they like,’ he answered with a shrug Given a chance, they’d have hinate her

That was if he had inated her

He didn’t care that she’d been a virgin, he didn’t care that the dates tallied—until he saw cast-iron proof of his paternity he would not allow hi ‘I bow to no one’

‘Well, neither do I Your suggestion that I move in with you is ridiculous How the heck would I be able to get to and from work if I have to travel all over the place with you? You work all over Europe’

‘And South Aive up your job’