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‘You’ll have to be civil, Hilda There is little point in antagonising thes,’ she said carefully
‘Will you marry the new earl? Did it happen like you predicted?’ Hilda watched her with narrowed eyes ‘Is that what is going on? You can tellthat, not giving you ti to secure peace on the land that way’
‘No, azed directly at Hilda, whose golden-blonde hair, pale blue eyes and petite frame ensured men’s eyes followed her wherever she went Hilda would learn soon enough No doubt the entire hall buzzed with the news ‘I’ve agreed to be Brand Bjornson’s concubine I suspect the Norseman thinks it is an honour And, yes, I do kno people will react and what they will call me but I did it for them I hope to soften his heart towards my people’
Saying the words out loud helped
A tiny tingle went through her It ht be different with Brand Bjornson When their hands had accidentally brushed as he regarded the ledger, all her senses beca that had never happened to her before She banished the thought as wishful thinking and false hope She’d endured Egbert’s touch and the bruises he had given her She could cope with this Norseman She was a survivor
Hilda stared at her with shocked eyes and gaping mouth
‘Thank you, cousin, for your silence’
‘You’re serious! That’s your scheme?’
‘Would I joke about such a thing?’ Edith folded her hands in her lap ‘I have to re would have ’
Hilda’sher resemble a fish ‘I’d rather kill rown ly red scar about his neck They say that even his own mother tried to kill him but failed The man sups with the devil’
‘Unfortunately I didn’t have that choice,’ Edith said with a steady voice Hilda was always overly drairl ‘If I die, ill speak for the people who till this land or work in the kitchens? And I dare say Brand Bjornson sups hoever sits down at his table’