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‘Would you like et on with dinner now?’ she asked

Dropping down onto the couch, he stared blankly out of the , suddenly hypnotised by the still ha rain ‘It looks pretty bleak out there, doesn’t it?’ he commented

‘Perhaps it’s not so bad being forced to stay in this evening in light of the weather?’

There it was againthat surprisingly engaging smile It completely transformed her otherwise serious demeanour andto linger on the idea, he found hiree even thewhat he wanted if he could help it, it was probably a first Then it struck him what Kit had said just before that last remark

His brows drawing together in puzzle lunch first?’

‘I’one, Mr Treverne You’ve been asleep since we got back froo It’s just after six in the evening’

He was genuinely shocked ‘You’re joking?’

The slender shoulders beneath the‘I promise you I’m not’

‘Did I take a sleeping pill before I napped? I don’t remember’

‘No, you didn’t I think sheer exhaustion probably ry I saw that the fridge ell stocked and I took the liberty ofBy the way, I checked with the agency that you weren’t a vegetarian I’ve just got to rustle up so it in to you’

‘Sounds good But I’ll only eat it if you pushrooalone I feel decrepit enough as it is inlike an invalid’