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Who cares? I don't want to be a hero

That's Wiggin's gig

Nikolai, the boy across frouesses Bean hadn't ht Bean intruding on him Bean was so hopeful when he came at last to Nikolai's file

The teacher evaluation was negative "A place-holder" Cruel--but was it true?

Bean realized: I have been putting too much trust in the teachers' evaluations Do I have any real evidence that they're right? Or do I believe in their evaluations because I ahly? Have I let them flatter me into complacency?

What if all their evaluations were hopelessly wrong?

I had no teacher files on the streets of Rotterdaht, just a few surprises here and there Sergeant--no surprises at all Achilles--yes, I knew him

So why have I stayed apart from the other students? Because they isolated me at first, and because I decided that the teachers had the power But now I see that I was only partly right The teachers have the power here and now, but someday I will not be in Battle School, and what does it matter then what the teachers think of me? I can learn all the military theory and history that I want, and it will do ood if they never entrust e of an army or a fleet unless they have reason to believe that other men would follow me

Not irls Not men, but they will be men How do they choose their leaders? How do I make them follow one who is so small, so resented?

What did Wiggin do?

Bean asked Nikolai which of the kids in their launch group practiced with Wiggin

"Only a few And they on the fringes, neh? Suckups and brags"

"But who are they?"

"You trying to get in with Wiggin?"

"Just want to find out about him"