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An hour later, Kylie walked down the stairs with her backpack and purse over her shoulder

Her mom met her in the entryway "Are you okay?"

How could I be okay? "I&039;l live," Kylie answered More than she could say about Grandht purple lipstick the funeral horandmother Why didn&039;t you take that off ofWeirded out by the thought, Kylie looked back at her mother

Her mom stared at Kylie&039;s backpack and her worry wrinkle appeared between her eyes "Where are you going?" she asked

"You said I could spend the night with Sara Or were you too busy gril ing Dad&039;s shorts to reril ed-shorts coht?"

"Mark Ja an end-of-school party" Not that Kylie felt like celebrating the event Thanks to Trey du, Kylie&039;s whole su, sooing to be there?" Mom raised one dark eyebrow

Kylie flinched emotional y, but physical y didn&039;t blink "Aren&039;t they always?"

Okay, so she lied Noro to Mark Jameson&039;s parties for that very reason, but blast it, look where being good had gotten her She deserved to have some fun, didn&039;t she?

Besides, hadn&039;t her mom lied when her dad asked about his underwear?

"What if you have another dream?" Her mom touched Kylie&039;s arot froave No hter trips Just aloofness and quick touches Even when Nana, her ed her and Kylie had real y needed a hug then But it had been her dad who&039;d pul ed her into his arms and let her smear mascara on his suit coat And now Dad and al his suit coats were gone Drawing in a gulp of oxygen, Kylie clutched her purse "I warned Sara Ibloody murder She said she&039;d stake o back to bed"

"Maybe you should hide the stakes before you go to sleep" Her mother attempted to smile

"I wil " For one brief second, Kylie worried about leaving her ? Herever bothered the Ice Queen

Before walking out, Kylie peered out thetoar the yard to be free of stalkers, Kylie ran out the door, hoping that tonight&039;s party would help her forget just how badly her life sucked

"Here You don&039;t have to drink it, just hold it" Sara Jetton pushed a beer into Kylie&039;s hands and ran off Sharing elbow room with at least thirty kids, al packed into Mark Ja at once, Kylie clutched the ice-cold bottle Glancing around at the crowd, she recognized ain Obviously, this was the place to be tonight And according to every other kid at her high school, it was Jameson, a senior whose parents never seemed to care what he did, held some of the wildest parties in town

TenToo bad Kylie didn&039;t feel like swinging along with them She frowned at the bottle in her hand

So the beer to splash on her chest and run down in the V of her white blouse "Crap"

"Oh, I&039;m so sorry," the responsible bumper said

Kylie looked up into John&039;s soft brown eyes and tried to s about her at schoolto smile easy But the fact that John had been friends with Trey kept the thril down to a et you another" As if nervous, he shot off

"It&039;s real y okay," Kylie cal ed after him, but between the music and the huain A few kids shifted around and gave Kylie a view of the door More specifical y, the shift gave her a view of Trey walking inside Beside hiainst hi around, wishing she could teleport herself to Tahiti, or back home would be even better-especial y if her dad would be there

Through a back , she spotted Sara on the patio and Kylie darted outside to join her

Sara looked up She must have read the panic on Kylie&039;s face, because she ca over to her "What happened?"

"Trey and his screw toy are here"

Sara frowned "So, you look hot Go flirt with souys and make him sorry"

Kylie rol ed her eyes "I don&039;t want to stay here and watch Trey and what&039;s her na out?" Sara asked

"Not yet, but get one beer in Trey and al he&039;l think about is getting into a girl&039;s panties I know because I used to be the girl in the panties"

"Chil " Sara pointed back at the table "Gary brought aritas Have one and you&039;l feel fine"

Kylie bit her lip to keep fro that she wouldn&039;t feel fine Her life had toilet-bound staed her "We both know al you&039;d have to do to get Trey back is to grab him and take him upstairs He&039;s stil crazy about you He found me before I left school today and asked about you"

"Did you knoas going to be here?" Betrayal started unraveling the little sanity she had left

"Not for sure But chil "

Chill? Kylie stared at her best friend and realized how different they&039;d become these last six months It wasn&039;t just Sara&039;s need to party or the fact that she&039;d given up virginhood Okay, so s, but it see suspicion that Sara longed to rush Kylie to join the partying-non-virgin ranks Could Kylie help it if beer tasted like dog piss to her? Or if the idea of having sex didn&039;t appeal?

Okay, that was a lie, sex appealed to her When she and Trey had made out, Kylie had been tempted, real y te about how the first tiiven in to Brad&039;s "needs"-Brad as the love of Sara&039;s life-yet, within teeks of giving in, the love of Sara&039;s life had dumped her What was so special about that?

Since then, Sara had dated four other guys, and she&039;d slept with two of the special

"Look, I know you&039;re worried about your parents," Sara said "But that&039;s why you need to just let loose and have so, brown hair behind her ear "I&039; to love it"