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It took only two hours and plenty of sobbing before Miller was ready to sign his life away in blood and tell us everything anted to know
We guessed right
Some months back, Vlad e spots, and Vlad began coht it was odd--how civil Vlad was acting His questions and suggestions were casual enough, asking if Miller worked with any of the guys Maybe so to chop? Did Rust ever pass on orders to Miller to handle through the fences?
Miller wasn’t involved in that side of things, and he told him as much
About a week after that, Vlad showed up at Miller’s house one night He stood in front of the fa all over the living rooth while sipping froraciously handed to hi Miller that he had a beautiful fairls in this world That itwith Lauren’s cerebral palsy
That if Miller were to get s" with Rust’s business, he’d make it worth his while
Miller had never talked to Vlad about his fahter’s issues He’d never invited him to come to his home Vlad’s tactic here was unuy; he never understood why Rust got involved with hiitimate businesses But Lauren had been in more pain lately; she needed more therapy, reed
It wasn’t hard to convince Rust, who had suggested several tiet more involved But Miller had always drawn a line It was one thing to stop and grab a bag ofthehMiller only needed to give Lauren’s na Rust didn’t suspect a thing He trusted Miller coh at first, Miller said Just a phone call to a guy na by and wordlessly handed hie printout with a list of cars, which Miller would shred i the call A week or two later, he’d uys out at Rust’s backwoods warehouse to exchange the cars for the le ti to end up with a bullet in his head
Then it became a phone call to Leon when Vlad called to pass on an order Miller didn’t understand why both guys were feeding orders to hiured the cars were going to the sa divided, and he needed to keep hiswith another fence by the na orders to Kyle for both Rust and Vlad
Then Vlad showed up at his house--again--with a bonus envelope of cash in exchange for bringing hi to the nexthim to both Kyle and Leon
Vlad had a conversation with them that Miller didn’t hear, and then he saw Vlad hand them envelopes No doubt with cash in the" and the way Vlad ducked down to avoid the cameras on the way in kept Miller quiet
Teeks later, Vlad told Miller that he needed to find out who the other high-level fences were Vlad knew there were others, because his father was sending Rust orders and the orders weren’t being passed through Miller Miller had guessed as much anyway He’d seen cars that he didn’t order at Rust’s storage