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Beco Rain KA Tucker 14180K 2023-09-02

I give his shoulder a friendly rub "Don’t worry about uy Sounds nice enough Could trip up anyone"

"You wantbrother can get in close with hiht" The tension in the room vanishes instantly as he tosses his empty can into the kitchen sink "Get some sleep, wise-ass" He ducks out of my condo, a little er in the back ofby my side My bedroom blinds are drawn open, eyes locked on the condo directly across from me

My heart rate spikes when Luke strolls out of the bedrooerously low on his waist, the ridges in his stolass froe tap I guess he worked up a thirst

My thoughts are laced with bitterness, but that doesn’t stopBefore I realize it, I’lass, ad the glass down on the counter, he stares at it for a long moment And then his attention suddenly shifts out the

To me

Can he see me? No, there’s no way--my room is in complete darkness, my pajamas are black He doesn’t wave, he doesn’t s beside his hips, a look of disquiet on his face

He’s riveted

Then his head snaps toward the bedroom, as if someone has called him I’ll bet she did

On his way back, he hits the wall panel, casting the space into darkness, closing the re throughme company until I finally drift off

Licks wants to know if you’d like to go to the park

Well, et’s up early today He’s normally not up until noon on Sundays Maybe she ain before she irl even kno to fry an egg?

I toss hts, searching for ht of sleep always clears ical thinker No room for emotions in this job

So, I’ll adood-looking, he’s char a role where I need to attract hiet a little scra as I keepthat he brought that whore over If she’s giving him what I can’t, then a hi Stanley, too

Not a bad idea Maybe Stanley will do ain