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Beco Rain KA Tucker 12110K 2023-09-02

"You guys don’t look at all alike," he muses

"I know I’row up together?"

I feel the frown zag crossthat? My mind, still in an odd state of slow ht, Warner’s accent "No, we didn’t He’s actually e" We’ll need to tweak es I was supposed to be an only child

Luke begins nodding to himself, as if thatway too ood undercover profile is si, but it doesn’t spark questions or thoughts or curiosity fro by on his way out of town to check up onfor further proof Needing the subject to change, I ask, "What brings you to my doorstep at" I pick up ht away, instead si what he wants to say A boyish smile finally curls his lips "You owe me a meatball sandwich I’ve coenuine, that I can’t keep the grin away "You couldn’t wait until tonight?"

"Nope" He pats his sto"

"And what if I’ how "hard to get" I should play withminute, I’m more comfortable with this situation; less inclined to believe that he heard anything at the door, and h tirabs Stanley’s leash froo"

I ball uess I’ht’s date Or a blow-out I’ve never just walked into a salon and asked for someone to blow-dry my hair, unless I was there for a cut and color already It seems absolutely ludicrous to pay someone fifty dollars when I can do it myself, for free At least, that’s what I toldtwice a week, since

"And where exactly are you leading et theo with hio-ahead?

"WellI’e" He strolls over to look inside erator The cartons of leftover Chinese food and Warner’s beer answer for me "So?" He flashesworks well to get him what--and who--he wants

As if in answer, uess that answers that

"It’s your favorite kind of weather outside, too If you’d open the blinds, you’d know" He hits the button on the wall and the blinds revolve to allow di rooht across from you"

"Seriously?" I plaster onto play it off "Talk about a small world That’s crazy"

I catch his secretive s idbeside hih my limbs By my turn of luck in this case, I tell myself Definitely not because of Luke Boone

I’ve been a cop for over four years noo of those undercover I’m used to back alleyways and seedy ets nane and think co a woman’s breasts should proh the front door ofinto a long, hot shower, happy that I’, that my life’s road hasn’t ledin front of an adorable et toto myself that I’ve felt nervous flutters like this only once beforewhen I was seventeen and going on a first date with the high school quarterback

Shaking the stupid out of me, I ask, "What do we do with Stanley? He doesn’t take well to being tied to a post" I’ for all of three days But the last thing I need is hi passerby

In answer, Luke scoops up the chubby dog, tucking hi at all "No worries I know the owner, Dmitri He won’t care"

Dton MCU was overseeing a couple of years back, involving Ukrainian hts It’s probably just a coincidence "Kozlov’s Butcher Shop," I read the sign out loud, assuht noillus Not that I would They’d never risk being h to be spotted, not like in the movies, where they make surveillance teams look like complete tools "I haven’t been in here yet"