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Chasing River KA Tucker 20690K 2023-09-02

I laugh, though I’ht I’ve traveled back and forth from Portland to Dublin nearly once a month for almost a year now, and I don’t think I’ve left once without Marion or Sea or a baby "River said you and your old girlfriend have been spending a lot of tiether Maybe you two can hurry it up then?"

He snorts "Irene and I are just friends She can’t handle all these birds claet a look at my stump"

"Oh hing

He grins "By the way, have you seen Ivy lately?"

"No, but I talked to her She’s loving San Francisco" Ivy’s a bit of a nomad, it would seee I keep o down and visit her in California

"Good Welltell her I said hi when you talk to her next"

"I will She’ll be happy to hear that" Whatever they were to each other, I’s amicably

"Amber!" Marion slops a spoonful into a Styrofoam cup and holds it out towith amusement

"You had better take it before she tries to spoon-feed you," Roarns

Iher nod of approval "Grand turnout, isn’t it?"

"It is! I’m so happy for you"

She lifts her pint in the air "And for you You’ve been a blessing to us all, lending your help, bringing such joy to River in these difficult times" Sadness flickers in her eyes as she takes a sip, and I know she’s thinking about her oldest child River told me that she visited him just last week, on his birthday, after months of no contact from anyone in the faed her to try and convince his brothers to see hi myself to persuade River to visit

"Amber!" River waves me over to join him behind the bar I’ve spent so et it ready, that it feels comfortable for me now I even kno to pour a perfect pint of Guinness Rowen and I have regular coainst his chest, willing to stay right here until on in five days He nods toward someone "Look who decided to visit us"

I turn and find myself face-to-face with Detective Garda Garret Duffy

"He even ordered a beer Can you believe it?" River jokes, setting a pint down in front of the lanky man

Duffy dips his head "Good to see ya, Amber"

I smile at the sound of his leprechaun accent "You too I hear you’ve been busy" I’s than I am of those of my own country now, especially since last October when Jimmy Conlon--theand the head of the "IRA" gang that Aengus belongs to--was gunned down on a quiet side street at night Three uy--in prison The prison that Aengus is serving his tie anyone with either lass and takes a sip "SoRiver tellsAnd expensive"

"It is," I adhts I thinkto have a coronary soon "But it’s worth it"

"Have ya given any thought to applying for a longer stay?"

"I have," I say warily

"And?" Duffy’s eyes twinkle as they flash to River’s "What’s stoppin’ ya?"

My suspicious nature tells me this isn’t sothe two of the up at River’s mock-innocent face, his jaw covered in a day’s worth of stubble, I can’t help but laugh "First your rins "I won’t give up Never Not until you tell "

I stretch onto my tiptoes to kiss hi beer again?" Rowen yells froht, already Quit your whining," River hollers back, kissing lasses with skilled hands "Maybe if you weren’t so slow"

Rowen throws his arms up "Can ya believe this? Have some respect I’et the crowd riled up with their banter

"Amber" Duffy leans in "In all seriousness, I have a few connections which should make some of the approvals easier Of course, you’d still need to meet all the requirements if you want to work, but I can help If you’re ready"

I smile

And nod

Amber’s Travel Bucket List

1 Have a torrid affair with a foreigner Country: TBD