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She gave a choked cry as she threw herself against hi her arms around his waist as she rested her head in the curve of his shoulder

The ruby was beautiful And the knowledge that Styx had obviously taken such care with his Christmas surprise made her want to cry with joy

But what filled her heart was the knowledge that this man was heryou near," she said softly

His arms wrapped about her as his lips touched her forehead "Even if I m the fiend who kidnapped you?"

She chuckled as she reht he had swept her froed forever?

"Especially since you’re the fiend who kidnappedwithin ht be the captive of Salvatore"

His arhtened with annoyance "Salvatore"

Pulling back, she aze "Did you otiate with the Weres?"

The dark eyes save a firo before the Corant me an audience"

She lifted her hand to his chest "Thank you"

"I can afford to be generous" His gaze lowered to the gaping neckline of her robe "I have what I want"

"You are a very wise leader," she h her body

"Oh, very wise" Stepping back, he reached for the belt of her robe "Now I believe it is time that I opened et you anything," she teased as he easily pushed aside the offending robe

His head lowered and he whispered against her lips "My dear angel, you have given "