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Sarah stepped forward and offered her hand to Jenna "While they bicker, let ham" She shook her head "I’m sorry I meant Sarah Warbrook I think this is the first tirinned "I remember hoeird it was That’s why I eventually went back to uess it’s going to take uy is my husband Roland"

"Nice to meet you both I’aze on Jenna "Did you say McBride?"


"Originally froinia?"


"Are you by any chance related to Brian Tiernan McBride?"

"My paternal grandfather’s name was Brian McBride, but I don’t re aped "You will?"



He shrugged "She’s aze up at him "Sweetie! That’s wonderful!"

Richart stared at him "Jenna is related to you?"

Jenna started to smile, then noticed the no-doubt horrified expression overtaking Richart’s face "Is that not a good thing?" she asked hesitantly

All Richart could say was, "Chier"

"Exactly" Roland donned an evil smile "Make her happy or I’ll kick your arse"

He could do it, too

"So" Roland turned to Jenna "Are we going to do this nohat?"

She sed hard "Now as in right now?"

Shaking off his dismay, Richart cupped Jenna’s face in his hands "I know you’re probably nervous"

"That’s an understateht here with you the whole time Once Roland has infused you with his blood, I’ll take you and John to David’s home He’s one of our elders and a very powerful healer More powerful even than Roland, so he can help you through the transformation Two, three days from now, you’ll be healthier than you’ve ever been You’ll be stronger Faster And you’ll be able to kick my ass if I ever piss you off"

"Cool," John put in

Jenna sht Let’s do this"

Richart lifted her onto the exaently eased her back

Roland approached the other side of the table and took her hand, raising her arm until the bend of her elbow hovered beneath his chin

Richart took Jenna’s free hand and held it to his chest

Her nervous gaze went to Roland "I’ when you bite h "No You h, so, John, beware"

John shifted uneasily "Is this going to get weird? Like kinky weird? Because--"

"No," Richart assured his she ordinarily wouldn’t say unless she were drunk You h, so she won’t feel embarrassed later"

"Okay" He leaned over and kissed Jenna’s cheek "Love you, Mom"

She smiled "I love you, too Don’t worry, honey I’ll be okay"

As soon as John left, Roland bent his head and sank his fangs into Jenna’s arainst the pillows "Immortal sex is the best sex ever," she proclairinned "Like it, do you?"