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Cassie stared at him and sed hard Don’t scream Prey screamed Prey ran Prey died
He leaned close and sets better"
She couldn’t look away, a bird caught by a raptor’s stare He looked bigger, harder He’d split Len’s shirt, exposing a broad expanse ofat his chest, because the rest of him was
"Look at h and an absolute coaze to his face
Cassie no the truebeauty His hair had becohts And his faceWhat was happening to his face? His eyes seeer, and they now had the sa and vertical slits for pupils Cat eyes
She pushed words past lips that felt frozen "Will they be yellow like Zareb’s?"
He nodded "Blue and yellow reen In two hours they’ll be pure yellow"
His voice was darkness, leading to places she feared but would explore if he beckoned No She wouldn’t explore anywhere with him His eyes probably had the same power that Zareb’s had Even as she pummeled herself for her htly along his jaw and watched it clench
"Is this the Second One you’ve been talking about?" If so, he was theshe’d ever seen Words couldn’t describe him, so she didn’t try Cassie only knew his beauty hurt, a deep hungry hurt that made her yearn
Cassie yanked her hand away fro the sa"
He didn’t look away "Not yet Even Zareb wasn’t showing you the full power of the Second One"
"Explain" She was tired of not knowing, not understanding Cassie had been lost since the moment she’d walked into Eternal Rest Funeral Home
Ethan finally moved He stood and then paced over to the fireplace "The ones rote the va" He stood with his back to the flames "It was never about bloodlust We can feed whenever ant We’re no er than you are" He turned his back to the fire and stared at her "It was always about the kill"
"Zareb said he knew you’d killed because the Second One was rising Who or what is the Second One?" Fascinated, she watched his face changing in s fuller, lashes lengthening, each changeThen she looked away Beauty that hurt to look at couldn’t be good
"The First One is our humanity Even as va wakens the Second One"
"You h the Second One is a separate entity" Trying to keep fro moment
"It is The Second One is an elemental consciousness passed on in the blood my maker used to create me It lies dormant until it senses a kill It doesn’t care about conscience or human emotions Its primal drive is to destroy"
"After what I saw today, I don’t think you need any help in the killing departh for her to concentrate He’s turning into this thing I’m alone with him, alone with him, alone with--She shook her head to clear it
"What I did today is my particular vampire talent, not attached to the Second One I have control of when and how I use it"
"Meaning you don’t have control of the Second One" She stared down at her hands Blood Her hands were covered with dried blood So were the rest of her clothes, even her shoes How had she not noticed before this? His voice dragged her back
"I can’t stop the change It’s not that it makes me lose control, it’s" For the first time he seemed lost for words
"Yes?" No matter what he said, it wouldn’tdisclosures Herto react e to protect itself A little too late
"Scientists are finding out s about the brain every day"