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Ariel wanted to knohat the starship looked like back then He took her to the command center wher he showed her the pictures of the starship and crew She said a Vulcan that looked a lot like her father She asked is this one of our relatives He replied yes it was His re She asked if they could go there to see it He told her that he had two enda that afternoon but the next day he was free She asked if she could go by herself He said yes but only if her older brother was available to accompany her to ShikahrShe decided to wait until he was free

The next day they both teleported to Vulcan and went to see the vault where the remains were kept It was in the baseth out the entire base the other way like inter sections of roadways Everyone had a sign stating what position or careers those people held while alive the astronauts was about halfway down the second longest strength of hallway She read his naai Spock

She asked her father if I marry an Earthly will our child be still consider a Vulcan her father asked her if she had Jacob in mind She blushed and said yes Well Jacob is one fourth Vulcan and three fourths huh Vulcan in them that they would still have the Vulcan traits If you would marry a boy as half human and half Vulcan those children would be more likely to possess even more Vulcan traits If you marry a full Vulcan then you would be required to live on Vulcan Your children would have rand human Her father told her that she choice to marry him and live with him on Vulcan The air on Vulcan made her live inside where the athed and coic at all There is an old saying that soic at all, then sohed dad you mean some people have book sense and no common sense and then some have common sense and no book sense and most have a little of bothhe replied all I know is huic well dad I will agree with you on that point