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The were teleported to Mars Mars's people also lived under ground Their crystals wasn't as pretty as Venus due to the menerial in their caves Professor Pleurocoelus asked the of an uprise Mar's security forces infor They promised if they do they would report it immediately For the sake of their citizens they too would post a level three alert out to their security forces
On their next step was the planet Pluto to find out what they knew They told him on one of the teleportation of supplies some one had hijack a shipment of ammo and someone else had hijack a shipment of various chemicals They had reported it to The Multi Planetarian Security Force They hadn't heard any thing back yet but on his advise they would issue a level four alert out to the planet's citizens
Neptune's space ship the Neptune Five told Professor Pleurocoelus that on their way here their screen picked up soone in a flash One officer on board said he saw it first but when he radio up to the captain's deck it disappeared leaving an outline of where he was then a few seconds later it diss appeared off of the radar screen completely The captain of Neptune Five inform their planet of a possible alien shape in their space and the ground crew had put out a level four alert Level four alert went out three hours before and almost all ships were ordered back hoo to Pluto and bunker down there
Professor told Ariel this isn't the best tio Vulcan so the teleported back to Earth After they were teleported back safely they took a plane to Washington DC to give a full report to the Nasa Un Security council and reported everything including the Neptune's radar picture of the outline He informed them of the various planet's level of security alerts
Their planets stayed on all levels of security threats without any of their private citizens knowing anything it was better for the all work up over every little detail of their lives being brought out by the media In previous years Earth had been consumed with the worst kind of Evilpeople who didn't have the same beliefs they had, or the same color of skin, or even if babies should live when born after theirborn in the first place