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"She begs reat pain to refuse one so
noble and good as she knows you to be, and she only does it
because she cannot find in her heart the love without which no
e can be happy
"She is really very wretched about it, because she fears she may
lose your friendship, and, as a proof that she has not, she asks
that the subject ain; that
when you meet it may be exactly as heretofore, without a word or
sign on your part that ever you offered her the highest honor a
hton, that you will accede to her
wishes I am very sorry it has occurred, sorry for you both, and
especially sorry for you; but, believe et over it
in time and coyman's wife
"Co very
"Yours cordially and sincerely,
This was the letter which the cruel woman had written, and it dropped
froroan, he bent his head