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The dead monk was clad, as when alive, in the brooollen frock of
the Capuchins, with the hood drawn over his head, but so as to leave the
features and a portion of the beard uncovered His rosary and cross hung
at his side; his hands were folded over his breast; his feet (he was of
a barefooted order in his lifetime, and continued so in death) protruded
from beneath his habit, stiff and stark, with a ether at the ankles with a black
The countenance, as we have already said, was fully displayed It had a
purplish hue upon it, unlike the paleness of an ordinary corpse, but
as little rese the flush of natural life The eyelids were
but partially dran, and showed the eyeballs beneath; as if the
deceased friar were stealing a glimpse at the bystanders, to watch
whether they were duly iy eyebrows gave sternness to the look Miriahted candles, and stood close beside the bier
"My God!" rasped Donatello's hand, and, at the saive a
convulsive shudder, which she knew to have been caused by a sudden
and terrible throb of the heart His hand, by an instantaneous change,
becarew so icy that their
insensible fingers ainst the other No wonder
that their blood curdled; no wonder that their hearts leaped and paused!
The dead face of theat thee that had glared upon their naked souls, the
pasthi at the foot of the bier, and had not yet seen