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The sculptor endeavored to disainst the battleazed across the breadth of the valley His thoughts

flew far beyond even those wide boundaries, taking an air-line from

Donatello's tower to another turret that ascended into the sky of the

summer afternoon, invisibly to him, above the roofs of distant Rome

Then rose tu love for

Hilda, which it was his habit to confine in one of the heart's inner

cha it forward But

now he felt a strange pull at his heart-strings It could not have been

more perceptible, if all the way between these battlements and Hilda's

dove-cote had stretched an exquisitely sensitive cord, which, at the

hither end, was knotted with his aforesaid heart-strings, and, at the

rerew tremulous He

put his hand to his breast; so distinctly did he seeain, as if--though still it was bashfully

intimated there were an is of Hilda's doves, that he in's shrine!

But lovers, and Kenyon kneell, project so lifelike a copy of

their inations, that it can pull at

the heartstrings alinal No airy

intimations are to be trusted; no evidences of responsive affection less