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"Kells," began Cleve, in low, hoarse tones, as he stepped forward
with a gun "I' to kill you--and Joan--and myself!"
Kells stared at Cleve "Go ahead Kill irl, too
That'll be better for her now But why kill yourself?"
"I love her She's ed Joan flung herself before
"Kells--listen," she whispered in swift, broken passion "Jim Cleve
was--my sweetheart--back in Hoadley We quarreled I taunted hih--even to be bad He left ed Next day I trailed him I wanted to fetch him backYou
remember--how you met me with Robert--how you killed Roberts? And
all the rest?When Jim and I met out here--I was afraid to tell
you I tried to influence hiot to Alder
Creek There he ild Ito steady hi--ere separated fro took the stage Gulden
and his gang held up the stage They thought you had put us there
We fooled the
to tell--that you'd let us goAnd no--"
Joan had not strength to go on The thought of Gulden made her
"It's true, Kells," added Cleve, passionately, as he faced the
incredulous bandit "I swear it Why, you ought to see now!"
"My God, boy, I DO see!" gasped Kells That dark, sodden thickness