Page 197 (1/2)

The goddess of chance, as false as the bandit's vanity, played with

hi But just as his face

began to lose its haggard shade, to glow, the tide again turned

against hiold-dust went


share he indeed showed that yellow streak which Jesse Smith had

attributed to hiether, to

be a ht

have been nificent, confronted by other issues, of peril or

circumstance, but there he was craven He was a ambled

One after the other, in quick succession, he lost the two bags of

gold, his original share He had lost utterly Gulden had the great

heap of dirty little buckskin sacks, so significant of the hidden


Joan was aht of Kells then, and if it had been

possible she would have withdrawn her gaze But she was chained

there The catastrophe was iold His jaorked convulsively He had

the eyes of a trapped wolf Yet he seemed not wholly to comprehend

what had happened to him