Page 183 (1/2)
"We're going the e ca, for Joan had been sure that Bannack lay in the
opposite direction Certainly this fact was not reassuring to her
Perhaps the road turned soon
Meanwhile the light brightened, the day broke, and the sun reddened
the valley Then it was as light inside the coach as outside Joan
ers The
only one who noticed her was the young man, and he, after a stare
and a half-smile, lapsed into abstraction He looked troubled, and
there was about him no evidence of prosperity Ji coat, and occasionally he spoke of
soe rolled
on rapidly, seeined she recognized the brushy ravine out of which Jesse
Smith had led that day when Kells's party caht so, too, for he gripped her hand unusually
hard Beyond that point Joan began to breathe more easily There
seemed no valid reason nohy every mile should not separate them
farther from the bandits, and she experienced relief
Then the ti so She wanted to talk to Jiers Jim himself appeared